Bootstrap 3.2.0 Realeased –

Bootstrap 3.2.0 Realeased –


Bootsstrap version 3.2.0 released on 26 june 2014 with some attractive and plenty of documentetion element. New version of Bootstrap containing 100 of bug fixes and some build tool improvements. Now developer can make their website and web apps more classy and attractive . What is Bootstrap : To make your website and webapps attractive you have to know about bootstrap. Bootstrap is free collection of tools for making your website and web application. Bootstrap makes front-end web development faster and easier. It’s made for folks of all skill levels, devices of all shapes, and projects of all sizes. Bootstrap Containg HTML and CSS based design templetes, buttons , typography , navigation etc

. Features of Bootstrap 3.2.0 :

  • Bootstrap 3.2.0 has some new responsive classes .visible-xs—for awhile now.Now it has block , inline-block and inline variations for each grid tier. For example .visible-xs-block is now a thing.
  • The documentation process of 3.2.0 got updated . Now it has flash based copy paste button. This button will appear on the top right of nearly every example in the dock. To copy and paste you have to click on the button they created.
  • Broweser bug ? oh no ! – Bootstrap 3.2.0 already known as Wall of browser bugs. It contains hundred of bug fixes .Finding and Reporting the browser about the bugs to the developer is the coolest part of this version of bootstrap.
  • Keyboard navigation (forward and backward) is now available for the carousel.
  • The progress bar component has been improved for increased flexibility. There are more changes in the new version of bootstrap 3.2.0 . Just you have install it then you can see the different .

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